402 Main St. Downing, WI 54734
(715) 204-4210
effective January 1, 2025
$100/qtr Residential
$110/qtr Business
Apartment complexes (62.5% of residential rate)
Late Fees:
Late fees are applied if not received by the quarterly due date at a rate of $10/qtr (total of up to $40 for the year).
If payment is not received by November 1, the balance owed and additional fees will be placed on the tax roll for collection per Wisconsin Statues 66.0809.
effective January 1, 2025
$45/qtr All residential and business properties
$45/qtr For each apartment in a complex
Charges Breakdown:
$40: Trash Service
$5: Administrative Fee
Late Fees:
Late fees are applied if not received by the quarterly due date at a rate of $5/qtr (total of up to $20 for the year).
Trash/Recycling is required for all Village of Downing residents and cannot be opted out of.
If payment is not received by November 1, the balance owed and additional fees will be placed on the tax roll for collection.
If paying in full,
pay by the 1st quarter due date
of January 15th to avoid late fees.
Payment Due Dates:
1st Quarter – January 15th
2nd Quarter – April 15th
3rd Quarter – July 15th
4th Quarter – October 15th
Village of Downing
402 Main St.
Downing, WI 54734
Drop your payment in the secure dropbox on the front of the building.
Include your account number or property address with all payments (i.e. 402 Main)
For inquiries about sewer or trash/recycling,
please contact the Treasurer at treasurer@downingwi.com
or leave a message at (715) 204-4210.
We respect your privacy.
We will not spam you, sell, or disclose your information to anyone.
At the October 11th, 2021 Board Meeting, the board voted on and approved an annual increase of sewer rates at $5/quarter starting in 2022 and will continue for 5 years (2022-2026) to cover sewage operations and expenses.
Effective January 1, 2022
Year | Residential | Commercial | |
2022 | $85/qtr | $95/qtr | |
2023 | $90/qtr | $100/qtr | |
2024 | $95/qtr | $105/qtr | |
2025 | $100/qtr | $110/qtr | |
2026 | $105/qtr | $115/qtr |
Per statute 287.09, the State of Wisconsin requires all municipalities to develop and implement a program to manage the solid waste generated within it’s region. Due to this, we cannot accept exclusion in our trash/recycling program if you choose to utilize other trash programs.
Any unpaid portion not received by November 1st will be applied to the property tax roll and collected as delinquent real property tax, per statute 66.0809.
Any recycling fee not received by November 1st is a lien on the property will be applied to the property tax roll and collected as delinquent real property tax per statute 287.093.
402 Main St. Downing, WI 54734
(715) 204-4210