2023-2024 Tax Season


To receive Property Taxes, Dog Licensing, and Utility Payments

Payments can be combined and made using one check.


Office hours are provided for those who wish to pay their tax bill, register their dog(s), and/or pay their trash and/or sewer bills in person.


As always, you can mail your payments to: 

Village of Downing
Attn: Treasurer
402 Main St
Downing, WI 54734

or use the secure drop box located on the front of the office building.


Checks should be made out to: Treasurer, Laura A. Lee or Village of Downing.
Be sure to include your PARCEL # OR BILL # so your tax payment is applied to the correct record.

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402 Main St.  Downing, WI 54734

(715) 204-4210