402 Main St. Downing, WI 54734
(715) 204-4210
We do not have regular business hours. Please use the contact form below, email us, or leave a message on our voicemail and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Village of Downing
402 Main Street
Downing, WI 54734
(715) 204-4210
Jennifer Lagerstrom
Village Clerk
General Questions, Meeting Minutes, Open Record Requests, Business Licensing, Inspections, Ordinances
Laura A. Lee
Village Treasurer
Finances, Special Assessment Requests, Trash/Sewer Billing, First Property Tax Payment Collection
The Village of Downing is located in Dunn County, Wisconsin, bordering Saint Croix County to the west.
If making an open records request, please use the Open Records Request form which can be found on our Forms & Permits page. Thank you!
402 Main St. Downing, WI 54734
(715) 204-4210