402 Main St. Downing, WI 54734
(715) 204-4210
The Village of Downing Board will look at approving the Standards for the Care of Domestic Animals Ordinance as detailed below at the July 2023 board meeting.
The Board Meeting will be held on:
Monday, July 10, 2023, at 7:00 pm.
Village of Downing Hall,
402 Main St, Downing, WI 54734
The proposed Standards for the Care of Domestic Animals Ordinance may be viewed by appointment at the Village of Downing Hall, 402 Main Street, Downing, WI 54734 or online at www.downingwi.com
JENNIFER LAGERSTROM, Downing Village Clerk
402 Main St. Downing, WI 54734
(715) 204-4210